Part of the Value that ProCare brings to its partners is being expert in the areas we touch. Over the past couple years in response to our partner’s request we have entered into the Respiratory world. We have always been experts on concentrators, and compressed gas, and learned a great deal about these new items like CPAPs, BiPAPs, Cough Assists and other specific respiratory devices. We love how technology has addressed the needs of those with Sleep Apnea and other respiratory issues.
As with any of our equipment, it is not about just purchasing, delivering and selling. We carry equipment that will deliver quality, reliability, longevity and affordability. We need to know how to maintain, repair, and support this equipment. With CPAPs our clients often ask which cleaning system is the best. There are essentially 2 types of cleaning systems. An Ozone system such as SoClean often seen on TV. The second is an Ultraviolet cleaning system like Lumin.
We have compared both systems head to head and recently received a defining endorsement for our choice. We decided there are essentially 4 things a system must do:
- Safety
0 danger
Damages equipment and causes irritation to respiratory patients.
- Sanitization
99.9% bacteria kill
99.9% bacteria kill
- Convenience
5 minute process
2 hour process
- Price
Ultimately, it was not a difficult comparison. The Lumen checked each box above and beyond its competition with added benefits that the So Clean could not, such as its ability to clean any item that will fit in the drawer including thermometers, stethoscopes, or cell phones. The additional $50 So-Clean charges seems to go to the likes of William Shatner to spokesman their ads. With equal efficacy, the Lumin is considered a more safe process. Without going into too many details, the Ozone is potentially damaging to the equipment as well as people exposed to it with respiratory issues. The EPA explains in more technical terms. Click here to read the EPA report.
Resmed (one of the largest CPAP Manufacturers) confirmed this recently. They notified users of their equipment of the damages Ozone causes their devices, stating that the limited warranty is voided by ozone use. Here is a link to the letter.
It is worth noting that manufacturers recommend routine cleaning of their equipment with a mild soap and water to keep the system and masks clean. We understand the time and labor constraints of senior care agencies and facilities and suggest that a weekly washing done in conjunction with daily UV treatments should be enough, though each case will be different and may require more frequent cleaning.
If you are interested in learning more about UV Cleaning or ordering a Lumin for yourself, client or loved one please call ProCare at (208)322-5055 or email us at