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The ProCare Wound Blog
Here we discuss new innovations in the wound care arena. New products, techniques, tips and tricks, and links to other articles.
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Thursday, August 25, 2011

 As many of our customers know ProCare has added LipoGel to our wound care line. Prior to pulling the trigger on this addition, we researched the product thoroughly. Interviews with Dr. John Kennedy (founder of GenTex, manufacturer of LipoGel), studying the research, and working with doctors in the wound care field gave us confidence that LipoGel would work as advertised. But all of the white papers in the world will not replace first-hand accounts of a product's success.

LipoGel offers two variations of the lipid gel. The standard gel serves as a biofilm inhibitor reducing the bioburden in the wound and disrupting the ability of bacteria to mature. When coupled with NPWT, the gel also serves to protect fragile new tissue from meshing with the NPWT medium. The results are noticibly increased healing rates over traditional standard NPWT. LipoGel Rx has all of the features of the standard product, but also allows clinicians to identify the true nature of pathogen types and counts present in the wound with DNA accuracy. Previous to the introduction of this product, clinicians have been able to treat less than 5% of active bacteria present in the wound (Dowd, S.E. Healing Society, April 2011). 

Our conversion to the Kool-Aid came by way of a chronic foot ulcer. The patient was a non-compliant 37 year old female. The wound had a documented history spanning over six months, and the treating physician feared that amputation was the last course of action. ProCare suggested the use of LipoGel Rx in conjunction with the existing NPWT therapy. Treatment began June 27, 2011 and ended July 21, 2011 with closure of the wound. The physician, home health caregiver, and all of us at ProCare were amazed with the spectacular results. And the patient was pretty happy too. It was a last ditch effort that really paid off. ProCare has seen constant positive patient outcomes, and we look forward to many more.

For more information on LipoGel or LipoGel Rx, or to request copies of the LipoGel clinical research contact your local ProCare representative or call 866.633.5755.

Posted by procare at 8/25/2011 9:18:00 PM
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